Why can Three Countries in the World Manufacture Ballpoint Pen Heads?

Why can Three Countries in the World Manufacture Ballpoint Pen Heads?

2022-03-16 16:31:43

Speaking of a ballpoint pen, as an important learning tool in the student era, you can buy it in the stationery store for only one or two yuan. Today's ballpoint pens can be said to be diverse and diverse. But it is such a common and ordinary small ballpoint pen, but it has baffled many countries. Now only Switzerland, Japan, and China can make its ballpoint pen head. Why?


ballpoint pen


The ballpoint pen head can be divided into ball beads on the pen tip and ball socket body. At present, tungsten carbide ball beads with a diameter of 0.5-1.0mm can not only meet the needs of domestic production but also be exported in large quantities. However, the ball socket with a diameter of only 2.3mm, whether production equipment or raw materials, has long been in the hands of Switzerland, Japan, and other countries.


Take the pen head integrated production equipment of Swiss company for example. It takes more than 20 processes to produce a small ballpoint pen head. There are steps of different heights and five grooves guiding ink in the pen head, and the processing accuracy should reach the order of one-thousandth of a millimeter. There are 5 grooves guiding ink in a pen head. There are strict matching requirements between the ball and the pen head and groove position. The processing error shall not exceed 3 microns, and the thickness at the top of the pen head is only 0.3-0.4 mm.


Of course, more importantly, many countries can build atomic bombs. There is no reason why they can't build a ballpoint pen head. After all, capital is profit-driven. One day's output of an iron and steel plant can equal the steel consumption of the pen industry in a year. A ballpoint pen on the market can only sell for a few dollars. It may be as cheap as a few cents, and the profit is too small. Therefore, the steel mills in many countries are not unable to produce ballpoint pen heads, but in the face of interests, they are neither willing to be pen makers nor spend money on research and development.


Make a purchase of ballpoint pen heads from China, you can get them at a good price if you have a large quantity. We hope to be your long-term partner.

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